Racist Microwave Buyer
Posted at: 2009-11-16 13:02:45
Original ad: WANTED - Microwave
I am looking for a used microwave. WHITE ONLY
From Me to *********@************.org:
I have a LG microwave that I want to sell for $30. I am aware that your ad said whites only, but I am an African American. I sincerely hope that this won't be a problem for you, and we can put race issues aside and just do business.
Thank you,
From Amy ****** to Me:
I am so sorry that you misread my ad. I meant the microwave should be white, because it would match my kitchen.
From Me to Amy ******:
Oh, so because I am black, you think that I can't read? It really is amazing that the world we live in is still so racist. I'm sorry, but your insults have left me feeling sick. I don't think I can sell my microwave to a bigot.
Sincerely offended,
From Amy ****** to Me:
I wasn't suggesting that you couldn't read. I'm not racist. If you read my whole email you would see that the ad was looking for a white microwave, not a white person. I changed the ad to avoid any confusion.
From Me to Amy ******:
So now you think that because I am black, I am too lazy to read your whole e-mails. Your racism is overwhelming. You will never get my microwave from me. I will, however, sell you a burning cross for your next klan meeting. Does $20 for the cross sound fair?
From Amy ****** to Me:
I can't write anything without you being offended! I give up!
From Me to Amy ******:
So you don't want the microwave?
From Amy ****** to Me:
Will you still sell it to me?
From Me to Amy ******:
I would never sell anything to a racist.
From Amy ****** to Me:
Ugh I'm done with you.
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Seriously? (2014-01-21 08:36:43) I can't with the comments in this website. Can one not simply laugh at the joke without resorting to ignorance, and bigotry? Get a life you backward piles of shit. Sickening. The amateur troll comments with racist I undertones, just as bad.
honeynuts (2013-11-21 16:36:08) hahahahahahahahhahahahaha
anonymous (2013-10-28 15:02:41) all u puzies tryna talk noiz bout being rasist but u aint even on ma level u herd fuk bitches git muny$$ and also stay in school pursuing ever higher levels of excellence so that we may unite as mankind and overcome this shortcoming of mankind.
Insecure (2013-10-26 19:43:29) LOL, this was hysterical. I think insecurity in other races is extremely transparent. People can't just laugh at a joke involving race without people attempting to be racist & using the N word. Which really isn't insulting anymore. :) Try again Ja
Anon (2013-09-29 05:06:02) @othy Complains about people saying ignorant things. Calls them faggots. Can't tell if dumb or hippocrit.
othy (2013-07-23 03:38:24) i like how people in the comments say literal racist things. how cool and edgy of you. bet you get all the girls. faggots
Armael (2013-07-20 18:03:54) It's funny because niggers are stupid
@antheezie (2013-06-19 18:19:50) its funny cuz ur black
silly willy (2013-06-17 11:01:34) tickle my willy silly
MagicianWinnipeg (2013-05-21 16:05:16)
For those who taught me something, I thank you. Here are my opinions, although I have mixed feelings about many magicians in Winnipeg. Remember, these are just my opinions regarding some renowned Winnipeg magicians. You might not agree!
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acaceadlohozy (2013-05-10 05:07:17) Child Abuse Hotline Ad Uses Photographic Trick That Makes It Visible Only To Children
A Spanish organization called Fundación ANAR, or Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk, created a bus-stop advertisement in April that features the group'
deangelo (2013-04-12 21:12:34) Fun ass hell
Nunya (2013-03-27 10:58:01) This is 4th from the top rated? How lame!
Baigmariz (2013-03-16 01:39:54) International capital beaches magazine praised as "the natural sand, green belt separating from the busy streets and views of the Old Town". According to the editors of the "National Geographic" and is the perfect place for an active holid
Rosa (2013-01-13 10:37:53) lol,that was mean XD
hi (2012-12-28 09:57:57) the tumblr social justice crowd in a nutshelll....
... (2012-12-24 04:42:15) @Frant Grimes - it is the correct term if they coined it for that purpose.
m. (2012-12-13 11:18:26) @Tory You are a bigoted shithead. That is all.
petiesrevenge (2012-12-08 10:57:12) Lol she was too polite. Shouldve told him to bug off. Racist? Pfffft...... i just hate people in general . You are all stupid at some point. So try I try to insult all races equaly.... just saying.
horny gerard (2012-11-09 10:23:56) @ kal: I'm pretty sure Reunion Island is still part of Africa. They speak French there, btw
TheOnlySaneFucker... (2012-10-21 02:44:33) English motherfuckers, do you speak it?!
kal (2012-10-19 09:58:29) to smh:obviously, you need to do the research. doubt u ever been to s. africa, or anywhere on the continent.how many french speaking south africans have u met?hmm. 0.s.africa has 13 recognized languages,8 official, 5 unofficial yet recognised. frenchisnt1
Johnnycake (2012-10-11 21:21:59) This guy is hell funny what are you talking about
Adod (2012-10-06 14:17:50) So now you think that because I am black, I can be easily offended?
FREE (2012-10-06 11:21:40) sickening, the MOST racist people I have ever dealt with were not of European decent.
smh (2012-10-02 09:21:57) The only reason whites were ever in south Africa to begin with was to get slaves and try to take over. It makes no sense to have french speaking Africans. Do your research
ICWATUDIDTHERE (2012-10-01 11:59:16) @Amy Campbell haha fit in my kitchen wow u too nasty
maggi rice (2012-09-30 09:35:18) To me its funny. Just entertanin. So stp the argument
Yo (2012-09-24 19:57:51) Antheezie...it's obvious your a nigger, you spell as bad as you talk!
b (2012-09-02 11:46:50) hilarious!
ANTHEEZIE (2012-08-18 03:19:48) Im Black As Heyell And This Shit Was PRICELESS!!! LMAO
Lebron James (2012-07-28 14:32:23) See who's laughing now.
Jamike (2012-07-25 17:57:15) Racists, everywhere D:
Mis Sarcasm (2012-07-21 01:57:38) LOL Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Pretty (2012-07-19 15:24:10) I'm black and i find this funny. You sir, deserve a medal.
WTF (2012-07-09 02:06:08) Jamal. LOL
Amy Campbell (2012-06-19 11:01:17) Actually a black microwave would fit in my kitchen too...(eh,eh,eh)
durant (2012-06-15 19:06:15) fuck miami heat!
Futalover (2012-06-11 14:02:29) haha i would never sell anything to a racist. but wait, isn't automatically assuming that because someone is white they are a racist also racist?
lebron (2012-06-11 03:21:10) Fuck OKC
Frank Grimes (2012-06-03 05:41:17) African American is the wrong term. First of all.. American refers to 52 nations of the American Continents. Second, African doesn't mean Black. There are generations of white people from Africa that emigrate to the Americas.
Tory (2012-05-17 04:53:23) Jews do the same thing in the real world all the time. This "Anti-Semite-Game". It still works. And they still get shitloads of compensation.
funny!!! (2012-05-08 22:08:17) u guys aren't smart. this is HI--LARIOUS!!!!!!!!!! how was that not funny?
Ghandi (2012-05-08 11:38:01) Now now, everyone stop the fighting
asdfg (2012-05-08 04:18:59) So you don't want the microwave? Will you still sell it to me? I would never sell anything to a racist.
asdfg (2012-05-08 04:18:19) So you don't want the microwave?
Will you still sell it to me?
Will you still sell it to me?
Too many dumb people (2012-05-02 19:29:20) Only dumb people fail to find humor. Sadly, there are way too many in the world. The good news is that most do not typically live long lives.
PhuckMyPhallus (2012-05-01 00:23:15) Wasn't even funny.
Idiot (2012-04-30 22:37:22) Everyone knows that white Microwaves are only for white people.
melo (2012-04-29 07:07:11) not even funny...try again in ur next life
Fan (2012-04-27 12:11:13) Love your turns of phrase ... lol.
xo (2012-04-19 15:48:40) This is humour at it's finest, it's disapointing to see all the negative comments and people of both races turning it into something that was clearly made for the entertainment of people everywhere and not meant as a direct insult to any particula
jerrycurl (2012-04-14 22:01:34) Hillarious man! Oh so because I'm black you think I can't read? Good sh*t!
Kobe Bryant (2012-04-13 12:27:33) yo ass is mine Lebron
Jamal (2012-04-10 02:38:14) WTF did i just read? :O
Dirk Nowitzky (2012-04-09 00:35:26) Screw you Kobe
Dirk Nowitzky (2012-04-09 00:33:38) We will sweep the Lakers like the last series
anonymous (2012-04-08 23:16:02) I loled so hard
Brady (2012-04-04 01:40:25) This guy is brilliant but needs to update more often. Any other websites like this?
wtf (2012-03-25 03:44:28) Ok either you (mike) are either a complete loser that sits around making this stupid shit up or are a complete loser who actually does this to people. Either way it means ur a loser with no life . just saying
Phil Jackson (2012-03-01 02:12:25) What am I chopped liver? Or is it because i'm white?
dildo (2012-02-13 23:22:34) mike is sticking me up his butt
ireallyamgay (2012-02-10 19:05:22) Jamal. You should meet my friend Boquesha Shareese Youngfry
Fedt man, spaaaaaa! (2012-02-07 19:40:37) fedt man, spaaaaaaaa!!
Derek fisher (2012-02-02 00:57:17) good one kobe, fuck you lebron
Lou Williams (2012-01-31 19:51:48) Yo Kobe shut yo ass up we taking the championship this year.
Degru (2012-01-27 15:18:50) Good one. Jamal is a drug dealer in GTA Chinatown Wars.
Asshole (2012-01-25 23:28:41) Awesome.
Kobe Bryant (2012-01-18 14:08:10) Hey Lebron, wadda hell ya doin? Go practice some more so you can finally win a ring.
Lebron James (2012-01-14 19:45:28) hey its lebron here this website is so great keep it up
anonymous (2012-01-01 18:14:54) you are the MAN! This is brilliant lol
anonymous (2011-12-02 12:26:54) To jeramine I think Jamal was clearly giving Amy a hard time not the other way around.
phatdaddy (2011-11-26 21:20:35) Freaking brilliant!
High guy (2011-11-17 19:01:17) Suck my balls
oh shit (2011-11-05 00:42:02) oh shit, my last message was meant to read "mouth"
I guess it cause of that bitch being racist.
Shit fart penis mout (2011-11-05 00:41:17) Im gonna eat that microwave fuckers
Dick Cheney (2011-09-21 21:24:11) No but asshole enlargements are since were all getting fucked by obama
Mongoloid Gayweather (2011-09-19 05:22:22) Mongoloid Gayweather is such a fucking touchy black that's a racist. He recently won a match with Victor Ortiz via a fucking controversial KO when that idiot referee was talking to one of the judge without him doing his job inside the boxing ring... W
John (2011-08-10 01:23:33) I wouldn't sell a microwave to that racist b*tch either. :(
Chau Lang (2011-07-22 14:56:28) Chow Mein Mother Fucker!!!
jo (2011-07-18 13:59:27) Lmao the irony
Qwerty ( username of the author of this site in a forum) is a pretty big racist bigot. He hasn't posted his racist ones here to avoid issues.
Charlie Sheen (2011-07-18 03:09:23) This is bi-winning.
@justin beiber (2011-07-17 17:54:24)
Jamal (2011-07-14 22:26:05) -______-
racist ron (2011-07-14 19:43:15) God damn niggers are so offendable.
Phil (2011-07-07 21:24:42) Sincerely offended - Fucking epic.
Who Else (2011-07-06 19:29:38) LOL!
Deentheva (2011-07-06 04:25:15) C'est peu probable.
bwahaha (2011-07-02 08:46:05) @ Justin bieber (2011-05-23 10:05:07)
I'm gay
F-you.. not gay she's a lesbian
SparoEmar (2011-07-01 11:55:52) You have thought up such matchless answer?
Funny as hell (2011-06-15 22:57:40) This guy is a genius lol
Dude (2011-06-13 09:17:36) @Lulz
Succesful troll is succesful.
Laughing (2011-06-12 12:25:41) It's just a joke. Get over it...,
Lulz (2011-06-04 16:43:22) @Dude: U mad?
Hey (2011-06-03 15:16:17) @Dude
Do better and then talk asswipe.
Dude (2011-06-02 18:38:10) I read a few conversations that were great. But after reading some more the standard is really low. Fail troll fails. Come back when you're in the big leageus bro'.
Jermaine (2011-06-02 11:14:13) Fucking whites givin us niggaz a hard time. And fuck you Roger. I'll stick that cross up your tiny white ass
Roger (2011-06-02 11:11:44) Sell mr the cross. I got a good hanging rope to go with it
firedude (2011-06-01 11:38:15) this is freaking great.. Jamal you are hilarious... And all you fuckturds if you cant get the comedy in this get the fuck out
anonymous (2011-05-30 14:14:59) Es ist zeit fur die rinnegung! Wir Mussen die juden ausrotten! Nur ein scherz
Kan'esha (2011-05-27 17:40:16) Unfortunately, this happens more than you think.
Toiletman on CList (2011-05-24 17:20:15) Are penis enlargments covered by Obamacare?
Justin bieber (2011-05-23 10:05:07) I'm gay
Pookookooki Damikila (2011-05-21 05:20:05) @HONEST JOHN TETERS Shut your fucking trap and enjoy the damn emails. Obnoxious fuckoid.
Jamal (2011-05-14 09:48:00) The really funny thing is that I am white
Beth (2011-05-11 13:35:13) This is hilarious! I am thoroughly amused, thank you for the laugh, I needed it.
Arthur Kirkland (2011-05-11 07:15:24) Oh bloody hell. I wonder what the reaction would be if she had written "PINK ONLY!" or "YELLOW ONLY!"
What nonsense it would generate.
fuck you annoyed (2011-05-11 01:54:53) fuck you annoyed
Me (2011-05-09 19:51:14) I find the fact that everyone's name in the ad is mike but for the black guy it's jamal racist.
Gypsy (2011-05-08 03:15:26) Don't you know there are starving babies in Afrikkka???
Rod (2011-04-29 21:29:02) Great!
Bounty (2011-04-26 18:26:15) I don't get it. Racism isn't funny. Just kidding, it's hilarious!
Clothy (2011-04-25 12:16:27) "Sincerely offended,
HONEST JOHN TETERS (2011-04-25 01:35:36) ALL OF YOU!!! ....Your so DAMN STUPID, and you HAD A BRAIN, AND COULD GET TO IT, YOU WOULD PROABLY TAKT IT OUT TO PLAY WITH IT! GET THE POINT? try a little self respect if thats still "OK" with you MORON'S... GET A LIFE!
Fuck You Vance (2011-04-23 12:33:43) then get the fuck out of here Vance!
Robert Downey Jr. (2011-04-20 05:15:05) Jesus Christ. I fucking lost it at "Jamal".
Justin (2011-04-13 18:06:26) OMG I DIED.. HGAHAHAHAHAHAHA
SethRasporich (2011-04-13 15:18:55) Mike. the pioneer of trolling.
the cross (2011-04-12 12:33:29) Notice how the cross is gonna alread be burning when he sells it to her...ahahahahah this guy is so funy.. i never LOL to myself except from this guy
RealAfrican (2011-04-02 20:49:44) Its like Martin Lawrence character in National Security. Funnnnnnnyyyyyyyy.
Annoyed is a fag (2011-04-02 14:59:32) BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
lol (2011-03-30 16:40:13) @annoyed U mad?
annoyed (2011-03-29 16:50:27) stupid trolls, this whole thing is lame.
lol (2011-03-28 19:40:44) I like that teasing at the end
Caz (2011-03-26 02:24:32) Vance is the gayest name ever.
hi (2011-03-23 14:18:55) hi agen
KFCCCCCCCCCC is coolir then macdonelds
Toju (2011-03-22 12:43:07) Cuz I'm a man with a tan,
drugs is part of my plan?
That is shit I cannot understand
Mats (2011-03-20 20:23:55) Pure Comedy Gold.
magnus (2011-03-20 10:08:07) Truly amazing, i love it how you manages to take it even further after she "gives up"
Trollazo (2011-03-16 07:27:56) Pure KFC
ryan (2011-03-15 19:17:34) this is dayshawn, dayshawn willis. You guys funny as shit in, damn, made me almost spill my 40.
joe (2011-03-08 20:23:35) lastly
JB (2011-03-04 12:41:29) Amazing! Tears in my eyes reading this one :)
WTH (2011-03-01 01:09:05) dang sometimes the comments are funnier but nothing is funnier than pretending to be offender. No offense to anyone.
anonymous (2011-02-27 15:39:12) your name is TROLLDOLLZRAWESOME...dont fucking talk you tool.
anonymous (2011-02-27 06:24:45) Shut the fuck up Vance
Vance (2011-02-26 22:33:21) This is not funny.
Sly (2011-02-18 08:15:26) "sell you a burning cross for your next klan meeting"....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
trolldollzrawesome (2011-02-17 04:30:59) zomg u racist bastards nobody to tell me to stop being pissed off at these racists cuz this shit is sooo racist n racism isnt funny yo
...yeah you know what I'm talking about. You guys are great. This site is trolling paradise
Slacking@work (2011-02-15 10:31:28) LMFAO. The last 4 lines have me DYING of laughter. Pulling the "So, you don't want the microwave?" line at the end -- leaving that lingering pretense of hope -- is HILARIOUS.
aok (2011-02-02 23:26:49) lol sincerely offended,
Fuckin A (2011-01-13 23:29:36) Lolololololololol!
Nice Job Mate! (2011-01-02 22:31:52) Olololololololololololol
2 inch dick(African) (2011-01-02 00:25:34) Funniest shit ever!
> (2010-12-30 15:04:56) Sounded like the militant black guy yeah... funny as... this made me chuckle
Sir. Timothy Miles (2010-12-28 20:05:09) Fucking hilarious! You reminded me of the man from 'Balls of steal'. But only you're funny.
Jamal (2010-12-27 19:06:14) How stupid are you people? The person acting offended was trolling, it's pretty obvious.
rofl (2010-12-24 04:15:31) Sincerely offended,
Hahaha this is funny as hell
lacool (2010-12-15 13:50:32) let's not forget that the guy's name is Jamal. I'm black and I was laughing my ass off. calm down people
anonymous (2010-12-12 15:11:50) "I will, however, sell you a burning cross for your next klan meeting" hahahahahaha
John Weaver (2010-12-10 10:41:41) It's amazing that some people can bring this down to a race thing and say 90% of black act like this, I suspect they're the sort of people that have met any black people...It's just funny, the creator isn't a racist, you should read up abo
shaw] (2010-12-09 21:05:50) mine is tiny
shawn (2010-11-29 20:54:21) I love that she was coming back after everything and tried to still get the microwave
Jesus Christ (2010-11-29 16:56:44) Last.
Kevin (2010-11-26 16:43:12) Lastesterestesteresterestestest!
Ass-nony-mass (2010-11-24 18:46:19) Laster!
anonymous (2010-11-24 15:15:47) LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!
shaw],=] (2010-11-18 20:43:00) peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenis
agrileard (2010-11-07 00:01:40) diverticulitis disease
RIPbianca (2010-11-05 05:16:45) lmao everything from "So you dont want the microwave" down is the funniest shyt ive read in a while.
Eurobrit (2010-11-01 16:22:24) Actually @43 only white americans can be racist, we europeans still have our cotton fields
Mr Showers (2010-10-21 16:16:51) The ending is golden! Hahahahahahaha
erer (2010-10-13 15:23:57) "Your racism is overwhelming." Amazing!
Happy African (2010-10-13 07:34:43) Well, as for me am a slave where I live and call my white owner 'masser'. I am very happy to be serving my genetic superiors.
43 (2010-10-06 13:45:05) funny how only white people can be "racist"
Madmin (2010-10-03 05:23:10) lol
chickennoodlesoup (2010-09-28 17:07:59) THIS IS THE MOST F'ING HILAROIUS SET OF EMAILS I'VE EVER READ!
A White Guy (2010-09-14 22:21:57) @anonymous: You are totally right. You have to be. Everyone here should know that you're the only thirteen year old that's been to every city, met every black person, studied the way they are, and then spent 20 seconds on your cell phone calculato
A White Guy (2010-09-14 22:12:48) @anonymous: You are totally right. You have to be. Everyone here should know that you're the only thirteen year old that's been to every city, met every black person, studied the way they are, and then spent 20 seconds on your cell phone calculato
rudy (2010-08-25 18:48:39) so typical of them
Flowermoth (2010-08-23 17:01:14) You are giving flowers?
Lala (2010-08-21 23:30:52) I'm black and I think this is hilarious!And to the one who said that 90% of black people really act like is you are being ignorant.
wockouh (2010-08-20 10:02:37) zenerx
Spike Mike (2010-08-19 12:03:49) instead of "I would never sell anything to a racist" you should've replied with "I will sell if you give up your racist ways! REPENT! REPENT!" funny stuff man :-D
simon (2010-08-12 19:49:54) u find them on craigslist' lol 'i would never sell anythig to a racist'
jay (2010-08-07 04:22:02) you made my day , oh my gosh xD where do you find the ads for this stuff?
blahblah (2010-07-30 08:37:35) FIRST!
LaTeesha (2010-07-29 13:34:09) I love how he used "Jamal". Generic black names ftw!
knm2005 (2010-07-25 01:52:32) omg this had me laughing the whole time haha i love your emails ur the best.
cole (2010-07-20 09:45:12) that was so stupid it was hilarious..good ending
DIno (2010-07-19 21:25:40) Every one of these email chats make me laugh very hard. You sir are a genius at comedy
Jaman (2010-07-19 04:21:41) "Will you still sell it to me?" WHAHAHAHA
Sexy (2010-07-17 20:36:14) "Sincerely offended, jamal"
dumb-ass (2010-07-17 14:00:11) "I can't write anything without you being offended! I give up!" "So you don't want the microwave?" "Will you still sell it to me?" "I would never sell anything to a racist." I cried from laughter on that part!
Harris (2010-07-17 01:58:33) Dis makes MAH NUTZ SWING!
S5S5S5 (2010-07-16 23:26:54) rofl i literally spit my water reading this.
Doommonkey (2010-07-16 13:20:11) Actually i'm going to let you in on something, black people just love convincing white people that they are racist because it's so easy and hilarious.
badbref (2010-07-16 10:49:13) I read this one before, but re-read it today. So hilarious. I love the ending "so you don't want it?... I would never sell it to a racist."
anon (2010-07-15 10:49:49) Blacks are the most racist people I know. Why can there be NGOs for black ppl? If one creates a NGO for white ppl only, he'll be called a nazi.
... (2010-07-13 12:17:51) @ A Black Guy....by saying that u just proved exactly what he was talking about....
A Black Guy (2010-07-13 09:27:39) Actually anonymous, you are being pretty racist. Probably because you're a fucktarded 13-year-old.
anonymous (2010-07-11 23:39:47) It's funny coz 90% black people are actually like this, and I'm not even being racist.
Crimz (2010-07-08 11:29:06) Wow! People... way to ruin a good joke and a lesson learned!?
Weed2k (2010-07-01 06:15:59) It's just so funny that the more I read the more I cry... Get a grib and a class of milk if you can't take the jokes.
Drake (2010-06-30 19:07:43) Good god man that was the best one so far! keep them up!
LOL@Fed (2010-06-29 21:46:23) This is too funny. I need to get off this website, don't I?
GEE LOUISE! (2010-06-29 14:20:58) WOW people...I'm black and its not a fuckin big deall! its hilarious! calm down black community...its gonna be ok.
gee (2010-06-29 14:19:03) im black and took it as a joke...calm down black community...it was a fuckin joke...dont act like we dont do this to white people all the time.
Vezzy (2010-06-28 18:41:01) ... will you still sell it to me?
Asshole (2010-06-27 23:27:46) Lmao, A burning cross for your next klan meeting
Marci (2010-06-26 12:30:08) I like how she kept trying to worm out of it... not that it was her fault in the first place...
win (2010-06-19 09:53:11) Sincerely offended
Huh? (2010-06-17 01:57:09) Why wouldn't they deny being racist if they weren't? You're fuckin' retarded.
h8 (2010-06-16 11:51:38) It's hilarious how quickly idiotic white people will run from the accusation of "racist." Like grease from Dawn.
"Zander (2009-11-16 13:05:14)
Tiirediiyes (2010-06-15 08:24:09) So you don't want the microwave?
CJ (2010-06-15 00:49:41) dear god, that was too damn funny
anonymous (2010-06-14 16:00:50) lol
Kiamal (2010-06-11 21:23:35) I lol'd hard.
cheko (2010-06-09 21:50:04) hahahahha cant stop laughing "sincerely offended' JAMAL
what a great name!
Jaede (2010-06-08 22:20:37) LMFAOOO
i love how you changed your name from Mike to Jamal hahaha
Waldman (2010-06-07 14:51:32) I'd never sell a microwave to a black.
Vic (2010-06-07 02:48:37) Sincerely offended, Jamal...
TOO hilarious
@dark (2010-06-02 22:30:05) fucking weird, but I was just thinking the same thing - did a quick google search and it brought me right back to this page.
@not maddox - stfu dumbass
DeeDeeЃф (2010-06-01 18:03:14) lol omfg dat was hilarious
Corrie (2010-06-01 02:49:59) Steve, you are fucking-A right!!!
Kelly (2010-06-01 02:48:40) I don't think Fed gets it! Jamal is the racist, you fucking idiot. Go drink some kool aid or something. What are you doing reading this site anyway? Shouldn't you be out shopping for some bling or a car stereo bass louder than a 747?
Nigga be dum (2010-05-29 12:54:24) Surprised Jamal didn't offer free anal rape?
imonaboat (2010-05-28 21:01:52) oh man this was fucking amazing ahahaha! people getting offended can just chillll out cause it's all a joke mmkay
Snuffilm (2010-05-23 22:36:59) Yea yea / white microwaves can't dance / black microwaves talk at movie theaters / Brits love threads
Dan (2010-05-22 18:56:08) hahahahahaha that was quite possibly the best thing ever.
Steve (2010-05-20 04:09:55) Blacks are more racist than whites.
SK (2010-05-19 18:46:44) LOL I would never sell anything to a racist XD
nate (2010-05-17 19:23:20) fuck thats funny
Oh come on! Coloured people are awesome... I think every home should have one! (y)
coments section suck (2010-05-16 23:33:36) jeezus, why is every facking post being ruined by racists? stop with the bullshit please, laugh and leave it at that.
spencer (2010-05-15 12:26:39) hahahhahaah "sincerely offended, Jamal"
Another_asshole (2010-05-09 13:32:50)
From Amy ****** to Me:
Will you still sell it to me?
From Me to Amy ******:
I would never sell anything to a racist.
nigger (2010-05-08 19:56:45) fake and gay
Andrew (2010-05-04 23:54:26) dick racist black microwave seller
jeremiah (2010-05-04 19:17:31) hahahahaha
Bob (2010-04-29 20:51:50) I loved the last bit, you lured him in with the "so you don't want the microwave" then finished off with the race remark again! xD
Zedge (2010-04-24 08:48:03) There is no hope!
Jamal (2010-04-24 01:28:35) Oh come on! Coloured people are awesome...
I think every home should have one! (y)
jessica (2010-04-19 21:31:28) damn, many people dont have a fucking sense of humor: refer to many of comments below
amy (2010-04-12 20:21:34) these r all fake so, who cares. if ppl r offended or not..rofl
Tom123 (2010-04-12 09:20:34) Super funny. But what I saw in the comments is disturbing. What the hell is the matter with people? It seems like most of the especially moronic comments probably came from caucasian idiots. As a honkey myself, I'd be ashamed of you fools if I wer
blowme (2010-04-05 10:18:00) if it makes you feel better i have a microwave that isnt white but isnt black. kind of a caramel mocha. thats three ethnicities in one.
Jake (2010-03-26 20:47:49) lots of the n word in the comment section...
anon (2010-03-20 01:25:25) Fed? hes a troll. We all know nigras need helper monkeys to use computers
king bob (2010-03-17 15:09:12) That nigga dumb
ThUmPeR (2010-03-16 01:17:54) LMFAO @ ElusiveLeopard
I'm not racist... I own a coloured TV
Smy (2010-03-14 04:30:16) To the posting...hilarious...
To the comments...wow, just...wow!
elma (2010-03-11 19:39:15) From Me to Amy ******:
So you don't want the microwave?
From Amy ****** to Me:
Will you still sell it to me?
From Me to Amy ******:
I would never sell anything to a racist.
I almost died here.
... (2010-03-09 15:14:47) lol. he named himself Jamal. Typical
ElusiveLeopard (2010-03-09 03:40:07) I'm not racist... I own a coloured TV
lol at obama (2010-03-09 03:34:20) why the fuck do yall say that like it means something?
Lina (2010-03-07 00:57:07) wow...that guy who commented..Fed is really dumb.
lol (2010-03-05 16:58:16) Bill Clinton was more black than Obama u fucking niggers
yup (2010-03-03 10:40:34) obama! thats all.
Wow... (2010-03-02 15:37:34) That guy below fed sux is really racist. I wonder if he's being serious? because if he is that's intense.
(2010-03-01 12:00:12) Sure is penis in here.
Faggot (2010-03-01 09:13:00) This was awesome... nigs.
gut below is a fag (2010-02-28 19:17:02) the guy below me is obviously an internet tough goy who is very self-conscious of his extremely small penis, so to make himself feel better, he calls people names online. XD XD XD
Fed sux (2010-02-28 01:11:33) Same person here as below. Seen u on here Amy. This is why niggers are just that !!! Dumb fuck fed ! I'm a white cracker. I'm a pilot fed. What do u do punk? Shovel shit behind a mule wagon ? If so I'm needing a nigger around my farm and if u
Fed sucks my cock (2010-02-28 01:03:01) Fuck you nigger. She wasn't a racist you nigger. Bet you play that card alot. Fuck you. Your a true nigger. Nothing against blacks but ur a nigger. Go shoot yourself ! Do us a favor. Thanks
Fed (2010-02-27 11:00:50) i'm down wit shonte in dis muthafucka! all u racist crackaz can suck my big fat muthafuckin dick! Obama!!!
. (2010-02-26 22:10:29) taff is obviously a homo who likes to be felt up while hes playing that faggot sport rugby
Fed (2010-02-26 20:26:52) amy is a stupid white racist fuck. stupid crackers! fuck'em all! Obama!!!
Mac (2010-02-26 18:26:25) xD xD xD xD
AHHH! (2010-02-24 19:16:33) I LOVE THIS. Ugh I'm done with you. <---too funny.
Godbertha (2010-02-24 16:54:17) You are so fucking hilarious. people like you make my world go round
Taff. (2010-02-21 17:19:09) Rugby, now there's a mans game. No padding or helmets. Take it off you fucking pussies.
hah... (2010-02-21 07:01:56) lmao.. Jamal...
Denny (2010-02-21 03:57:25) I just discovered this site and read a bunch of these and this one has me crying!!! XD Definitely my favorite so far.
Andrew (2010-02-19 00:10:23) oh man there is nothing funnier than easily insulted racists. like oh man the way u back talked and changed the insult around was perfect. mirrored most racial conversations to a T.
oh and i find it even more funny when people are offended by racial joke
123 (2010-02-18 20:03:07) dumb
Race (2010-02-17 18:49:14) "I will, however, sell you a burning cross for your next klan meeting." HAHAHAHA Amazing.
zigga (2010-02-16 06:55:26) fuck yeah
Marissa (2010-02-16 00:21:28) ***laughing until I cry*** it really DOES take skill to irritate people the way you do!
HAH (2010-02-14 11:59:15) She changed the ad thats awesome
Rainy (2010-02-13 10:43:07) THIS IS GENIUS!
wat (2010-02-12 15:26:40) this website fucking blows
jojo (2010-02-12 14:57:38) I just discovered this gem of a site today.
Thank you.
Masterpieces everyone of them.
Zzap (2010-02-12 14:37:58) ROFLMAO!!!! :-D
Amy (2010-02-10 23:37:30) You guys are dumb
rb-dog (2010-02-10 20:12:11) uuuhhhhhh.....can I have Amy next??? tayden???
tayden (2010-02-10 02:35:49) Amy, let's have sex right now.
Amy (2010-02-09 23:48:09) Amy is a troll.
:) (2010-02-08 18:11:53) This man is a fucking genius!
Amy (2010-02-08 09:13:29) Well I don't think any of you can read you stupid bastards.
@amy (2010-02-07 21:55:16) its good to feel you offended someone, better that you now know you didnt... teaches you that in this overly sensitive world of ours that you must be super careful how you word yourself :P
@amy (2010-02-07 21:55:16) its good to feel you offended someone, better that you now know you didnt... teaches you that in this overly sensitive world of ours that you must be super careful how you word yourself :P
Aonarch (2010-02-04 22:29:46) Lol @ Amy...
Amy (2010-02-04 22:11:24) Excuse me? Ahem "Jamal"? Remember me? Yeah, I found this on accident and I guess you weren't expecting me to show up here. I don't think this is funny, I was seriously thinking I offended you! You should be ashamed.
melly (2010-02-04 04:47:25) Nothing brings people of all races together like laughing at others lol
HEY SHONTE-KINTE (2010-01-30 05:30:29) Your name is Toby, Boy! I want to hear you say it! (PS You make your African American brethern look like overzealous Quas-Malcolm X stereotypes)
:) (2010-01-28 18:03:53) my black microwave only wants chicken
Cope (2010-01-27 09:15:44) You are awesome!
hahaha (2010-01-27 05:35:14) "Sincerely offended"
Holman (2010-01-25 21:51:02) hahhaha the south will rise again!
Funny (2010-01-22 17:19:18) Funny stuff right there
white=racist (2010-01-20 19:10:28) if anyone questions who is more racist in this world go to youtube and look in the comments section of any black video and you will soon found out if you don't know its whites already.
Nigistole (2010-01-20 03:36:57) Nigga stole my bike.
Pffft (2010-01-19 14:50:34) Honkey ass.
the best (2010-01-07 14:43:48) the best
Jamal (2010-01-07 11:59:07) haha he used my name
trier and Krystal (2010-01-06 12:06:26) hahahahahah ahahahahah ahahahahah this crackeed us up asldkjfalsdkjfahahahahahaha
Jamal (2010-01-06 03:47:36) haha he used my name
tami (2010-01-05 19:20:24) this is the greatest thing i have ever read!
Miry (2010-01-04 13:28:13) Oh gawd, this is so funny I can hardly believe it's real XD
DWB (2010-01-01 11:05:35) My Post got cut off, search YouTube for "Walmart runs racist ads"
DWB (2010-01-01 11:03:44) After reading all these comments, it reminded me of a video I watched on YouTube a few days ago. The funny thing is that the video is made by a racist about WalMart running racist ads. Some people may find it offensive, I find it funny as hell. Search You
your mum (2009-12-29 21:05:38) first!
John Smith. (2009-12-29 19:47:16) I...I think i love you. This is hilarious.
Kirby Phelps (PK) (2009-12-25 16:19:22) Oh noez. Now this women will become a racist for real. Amy: Ugh. Black people are so stupid. I give up with them.
CZG (2009-12-25 15:43:54) i never laughed harder!!!! :)))))
lol (2009-12-21 03:01:13) Sup CE
blue balls (2009-12-19 15:01:15) thanx genius! I beat the shit out of it and it
popped a bag of corn like a champ. anybody need a
used cotton gin?
undoh (2009-12-17 00:01:21) i stopped buying cars back in the 50's when they stopped making those white sided wheels.
Tiger (2009-12-15 12:57:53) Listen up, I'm white and found this shit funny. The folks that are getting offended by this are either too sensitive, or severely lacking in the humor department. Keep 'em coming.
s (2009-12-14 01:05:16) Set himself up for this one
Preveen (2009-12-13 16:14:08) This is hilarious! hehee
Irene (2009-12-13 13:01:01) "So you don't want the microwave?"
"Will you sell it to me?"
"I'd never sell anything to racist."
HAHAH. (2009-12-11 15:52:26) keep trollin' trollin' trollin'....
Genius (2009-12-11 10:48:01) Did you try beating it?
blue balls (2009-12-10 20:14:33) I own a black microwave. It wont work......
Jaz (2009-12-09 14:38:37) I'm black and this is hilarious.
Ty (2009-12-08 02:38:29) Wow @ these racist troll comments! This was funny, btw. I didn't see it so much as a race thing, but the brilliance of the prankster to pull her in. My race is the subject of this joke and I wasn't offended. Let's lighten up, ok?
tyquan (2009-12-07 16:45:47) i h8 blaks
Shontй (2009-12-06 09:56:26) Fuck you. All of my friends are black and I have many male black friends who are also named Shontй.
Dave (2009-12-04 08:10:16) hey it's fantastic that people don't catch on after your first reply. With all those idiots out there, why aren't we rich?
Deeze Nutz (2009-12-03 11:50:48) F'n awesome! I totally LMAO. Seriously, it fell right off.
The Goon (2009-12-03 11:46:06) I don't think it's nice that you made her feel guilty for being racist, when clearly she's not.
anon (2009-12-02 21:33:16) black or not, this was some FUNNY shit..and I'm black...
lol4lyfe (2009-12-02 15:35:15) Hahaha. Fuck me, this is rich.
yowler (2009-12-02 01:19:55) misses dunc-n
MoeB424 (2009-12-01 13:55:22) LMAO! can we say crazy?
Shonte's mom (2009-12-01 07:15:27) Honey you forgot your meds again.(The female hormone ones). Come home and take them now you sensitive pussy.
Nasser Sh (2009-11-30 23:14:20) She couldve said that she was black!
steve (2009-11-30 22:16:50) claire is a chubby slut
HOUSE (2009-11-30 15:37:00) Comedy goes beyond any gender, color, creed, etc. It sucks sometimes but, it's true. Gotta deal with and stop crying on msg boards, kids.
anonymous (2009-11-28 19:32:50) This isn't a racist letter, you dumbfucks.
hey (2009-11-28 05:38:44) am i banned - this is dc
Tippett (2009-11-27 09:18:32) This website is dumb and so are all you sad racist sexist wierdos.
Fucklander (2009-11-27 07:01:06) Last!
Zander2 (2009-11-26 23:45:02) Last!
cello (2009-11-26 22:36:08) come on mike, + 10 days since last post. We need you man!
A (2009-11-26 14:10:58) What is wrong with the people who comment here? It is unbelievable
Shontй (2009-11-26 12:03:59) Shontй is a very male name here, and if you want to see some cock, come and fucking get it.
Zander (2009-11-26 08:42:13) So, hey who even started commenting in this one?
anonymous (2009-11-25 19:33:26) his real name isn't mike, retard
everyone (2009-11-25 18:05:12) the comments section is the worst part of this website. does anyone ever have anything intelligent to say? come on mike, you must be sick of these retards too?!?!
zoltan (2009-11-25 16:36:46) fuck you all
anonymous (2009-11-25 16:19:26) We want updates, you slack jawed yokel!!
shonte (2009-11-25 15:25:59) thats a girls name, I can see why you are so messed up now, your parents must have been reluctant to accept that they had a son, so they raised you like a girl, so it makes sense that you are such a sensitive pussy.
dopeboy (2009-11-25 15:05:08) shonte you are a fag loser
FTP (2009-11-25 14:48:42) U TOO SHANTE, SHUT THE FUCK UP!
FTP (2009-11-25 14:46:59) SHUT THE FUCK UP ANONYMOUS!
Shontй (2009-11-25 14:46:03) So you're calling me a monkey because I'm black??
anonymous (2009-11-25 14:08:34) Who are you calling white Shontи? I'm Korean you racist monkey.
anonymous (2009-11-25 13:32:35) Update this site, nerd. THEN it'll be funny. but only then.
anonymous (2009-11-25 12:51:33) Those who haven't seen Pulp Fiction can go die
anonymous (2009-11-25 10:27:06) It is a shame to think that some of the people on this site have never seen Pulp Fiction
Shonte_Fails_Fails (2009-11-25 10:20:35) It's actually from Sam Jackson. In Pulp Fiction. So you both Fail. A lot.
Shonte_Fails (2009-11-25 10:15:07) It's evident you don't know any internet memes. That's where the "English Mother Fucker Do You Speak It" is from.
anonymous (2009-11-25 10:13:08) Then go back to Africa. See how great it is over there.
Not Maddox (2009-11-25 07:15:20) Maddox is a tired unfunny has-been. This can't be him writing.
Shontй (2009-11-25 07:10:16) I could never be pregnant because I'm a MAN dumbass. Also I'm not from Bangladesh. I'm African American. I'm proud about the African part. The American part... when I look at these comments, not so sure.
BengalPride (2009-11-24 20:21:01) LOL @ Shonte being a Bangladesh-ian black immigrant!!! bangla ammu! hehe!
dark (2009-11-24 20:14:59) the more and more of these i read, the more and more im certain this is the work of Maddox.
shonte (2009-11-24 19:50:23) hey everybody, i just wanted to apprise everybody of the fact that i am a skank who dropped out of high school to support my three kids. wish i never smoked crack when i was preg cause they sure are dumb, and cant play b ball for shit
Shontй (2009-11-24 14:16:05) Ooooh, look at the little white guy trying to be Samuel L. Jackson.
anonymous (2009-11-24 14:11:17) "Y'all" is not proper grammar. ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT?
hahhahahahah (2009-11-24 11:01:08) I love the fact that its actually quite realistic these days! White = Racist. Common sense = racist. Opinions on immigration? = Racist. Band wagon boys on tour 2009, lets jump on it and cry like girls waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Analbob (2009-11-24 09:46:01) Can you cook mexican immigrants in this LG turbo fucker?
Shontй (2009-11-24 07:40:37) Fuck you too, "bleh". A little racist joke and all the racists are coming out of the woodwork.
hahaha (2009-11-23 23:09:16) "so you don't want the microwave anymore?"
ailia (2009-11-23 20:39:26) That was a good one. Im suprised she didnt cuss him out...
allie (2009-11-23 16:10:23) this is so amazing when your high
tony (2009-11-23 13:43:57) funny as hell!! i literally laughed out loud in the middle of 6th period today!
toShontй (2009-11-23 12:57:07) why the hell would anybody be intrested in what u are.,. U r just an ass to us like zander.. And yeh; shut up u filthy Wh0re.
@shonte (2009-11-23 11:04:24) SHUT UP WHORE!
Shontй (2009-11-23 10:16:03) This is for y'all ignorant asses: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_of_medicine
:D (2009-11-23 03:39:32) awesome!!
Hubert (2009-11-22 23:44:23) HAHAHHAHA She wanted to buy a microwave. That's hilarious.
haha (2009-11-22 21:52:46) as a fellow doctor of medicine i understand its hard to gets a degree. i mean shit, i gots to reads all these books of words and i have this really hard biology of professor. keep up da hard work, that scrilla is gonna be yours in the end
Open Your Eyes (2009-11-22 21:15:42) Black people are now running OUR country. Wake up brothers and sisters!! We need to take OUR America back, or it will be lost to us forever. Palin 2012!!!!!!!!!!!
zander is a bitch (2009-11-22 20:03:48) hey zander... your a bitch
Adolfo Hitlus (2009-11-22 19:04:39) I dare say! This was quite a knee slapper! Cheers, mate!
Cap (2009-11-22 19:02:15) First-time visitor. I have read every one of these. Brilliant! My wife can't understand why I'm laughing so hard. I'm kind of hoping you don't read the comments too often because some of the morons that write here, but in case you do -
barbar (2009-11-22 14:13:32) best dont even reply i have ever read i think i literally cried while reading it
NG (2009-11-21 22:42:06) ::thumbs up:: back to classic form.
shonte's brain (2009-11-21 22:19:18) hey its me, i just wanted to inform you that this site is a joke, and intended to make people laugh, so direct your racial sensitivities at someone who gives a shit
Shontй (2009-11-21 19:47:33) The racists are having a field day here!
anonymous (2009-11-21 17:04:34) crap
person (2009-11-21 16:22:44) who ever "ME" is, is a fucking retard
LTF (2009-11-21 05:02:02) This shows how stupid humans can be....
Hello, Captain (2009-11-21 04:30:04) This is probably the hardest I've laughed in a long time. I just got done reading all of the other emails. There's a book just like this, except it targets scammers. Oh well, this is just as good.
BlackMicrowave (2009-11-20 20:45:31) We like the beet up, old ,extra large models of white microwaves.
witti (2009-11-20 20:43:50) Black ones are overrated and overpriced.
Black Microwave (2009-11-20 20:41:47) Hells yea, we cook crack faster.
Witti (2009-11-20 20:39:50) Black microwaves are much slower and a lot more intimidating than the white ones. I like white ones better meself. although the black ones cook up the crack just rite and fast...
TheCC (2009-11-20 16:03:40) Your posts just keep getting better and better. This is truly one of my favorite web sites to visit. TheConstantComplainer.com
PupilOfDrShontй (2009-11-20 15:40:41) I'm here to kick everybodys' ass who say a word against my teacher. He got great knowledge; he can grow marijuana and cocain even in deserts. Fck you all.
ThisSiteIsHilarious (2009-11-20 15:31:56) These emails are awesome. Comments are frikin' hilarious.
shontй (2009-11-20 15:27:07) M a doctor of meds. M learning how to grow crack' n' stuf. I then sell it to my people in bangladesh. M a fuckin' retarded bitch.
Black Microwave (2009-11-20 14:30:41) I can kick any white microwaves ass.
I'll be waiting for you.
braaah (2009-11-20 13:56:26) this shit is awesome!
shonte's massah (2009-11-20 13:45:46) Sorry, Shonte slipped his chains and got out, but the boy is back in the shed again...don't worry, I will whup him good, sorry for the inconvenience
tits mcgeyhee (2009-11-20 12:27:50) race bating, america's favorite past time.
Shonte's professor (2009-11-20 12:10:50) Chill out, child. Good grief. You need to be less militant and more able to laugh at the world around you.
DOC (2009-11-20 10:42:08) MY name is Doc Holiday, I'm a doctor of tits. Tits is my specialty. I am from jupiter. I use LG all the time for radio active purposes. I will now attempt to insert Shante into LG microwave.
anonymous (2009-11-20 08:21:17) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
BOB (2009-11-20 05:14:15) Ah..do you think my LG TVset can then microwawe something? like, some idiots who should better learn to laugh and enjoy all this..
LG Microwave. (2009-11-20 00:22:16) I'm offended.
AL (2009-11-19 23:33:50) Alright, let's all chillll ;;D
This was hilarious, as is all of Mike's work.
I do admit Shonte did overreact a bit, but people just spurred him on. I mean, really, guys. Chilll. Read funny emails. Go on with life. [:
tyrone (2009-11-19 17:44:39) Shonte, by "doctor of medicine" do you mean crack?
texasbeauty (2009-11-19 16:46:54) Lol has gone from meaning, "laugh out loud" to "I have nothing else to say".
Ferrari (2009-11-19 16:10:38) I'm not sure what is better, all the bickering or the actual e-mail itself. All I know is overly sensitive people shouldn't be reading jokes on a site like this in the first place.
Jeff (2009-11-19 15:47:22) Didn't like the last one, but this one is great! Keep up the good work!
kittenhead (2009-11-19 14:25:03) Hey Jonk - and everyone else who bitches about updates - shut the fuck up. are you paying him to write these?
@shonte (2009-11-19 14:22:53) it cut me off the S is for SKANK!
@shonte (2009-11-19 14:22:22) Where will you practice medicine? because as a black man I wouldn't see you for a common cold. If you are really black I feel sorry for the people who have to listen to you bitch. I bet you bitch allot. I bet its always someone elses fault with you. S
bendito bradford (2009-11-19 13:04:05) fan of the site, but this one is kind of corny and predictable. normally they are more clever. still made me chuckle a little though (but im a pushover)
Malaktose (2009-11-19 12:12:55) One of my favorites, great job ... "Your racism is overwhelming" lol
tweedle (2009-11-19 11:39:40) ZANDER: get a fucking life go back to lolcat with your "first" bullshit
Shontй (2009-11-19 11:22:11) Hey, "asshole", you wear your name well. I'll have you know that 'doctor' is an academic title, and you can be 'doctor' of loads of other things than medicine. Now who is NOT going to school, huh, cracker?
bhear (2009-11-19 10:32:53) hahaha who is insulting who =)
anonymous (2009-11-19 08:11:38) ... stuff, you have NO TASTE "regarding shante", if that is in fact your name! hater.
ToRegardingShante' (2009-11-19 08:10:46) I think shante' is kidding, but what the hell's your fucking problem man! You got something against STRAW MEN now! seriously, that guy from OZ, you know the scarecrow, OZ is a brilliant movie, just cause it doesnt have special effects and stuff, y
Amy ****** (2009-11-19 08:02:16) to shamal >> I can't write anything without you being offended! I give up!
Bob (2009-11-19 07:23:58) hi Rob (2009-11-19 01:50:31):
you're fucking retard too buddy
Boris (2009-11-19 05:18:55) Reminds me of the Militant Black Guy off that show Balls of Steel, haha.
Caleb (2009-11-19 02:45:47) That was brilliant! I mean, it's like Amy was typing shit from a script. Just beautiful.
Esra (2009-11-19 02:33:06) That's just perfect!!
Rob (2009-11-19 01:50:31) This is a great site, except:
#1. You rarely post the last couple months
#2. All of the commenters on your site sound like fucking retards
Regarding Shonte (2009-11-19 00:14:17) You're making a strawman trying to act like "Jamal" somehow implied a black stereotype when he did no such thing. It's just a joke, and there are SOME black people that are overly-sensitive. You confirm this.
Shane (2009-11-18 21:35:23) well done mike, please keep them coming!
Doc (2009-11-18 20:28:17) ...isn't going to make your journey any easier.
As for the topic at hand...hilarious!
Doc (2009-11-18 20:27:11) Shonte,
I'm a physician, and I suggest you deal with your overly sensitive demeanor before it inhibits your ability to communicate with patients. You still have a long way to go before you'll ever practice medicine, and being sensitive and pissy
JB (2009-11-18 18:31:57) I think this is the best yet :D HILARIOUS DUDE
@asshole (2009-11-18 18:31:24) Whatever else may be true, "doctor of medicine" is a standard phrase. Your intelligence level suggests that your own Dr. is probably a doctor of veterainary medicine. Phreaking idiot.
P. Placement (2009-11-18 18:26:00) I enjoyed this over some Lucky Charms, which were magically delicious. Did you know that an entire box provides a full day's supply of yellow moons?
Decapitatah (2009-11-18 16:54:50) @Shontй
Im black too and you are overplaying this. It was just a joke. chill out
I Can't Ever Do Nating! (2009-11-18 16:45:02) Hey! Can anybody get me a brown microwave?? We only have brown alliances. Lolz. Jk.
anonymous (2009-11-18 16:36:41) LG does make microwaves. Really shitty ones, but they make them.
Sunny in Philly (2009-11-18 16:27:40) @Shonte
You are fooling no one we see your white and clearly dumb. Funny post Mike!
FahU (2009-11-18 16:08:32) Shonte, get the fuck out of here you racist bitch.
asshole (2009-11-18 15:58:12) shonte, can you please explain to me what exactly a "doctor of medicine" is?? are you going to a university of schools to get your diploma of degrees?
FAKE! (2009-11-18 15:27:09) This email is fake. Wal-Mart does not sell LG microwaves! It would be some off-brand.
Sucked In (2009-11-18 15:21:37) The way he sucked her in with the first email was brilliant. Why can't we all be friends and do business together?
Ed (2009-11-18 14:18:37) I would never sell anything to a racist. - best line
Anon (2009-11-18 14:03:44) This is bad .. but I laughed so hard anyway :)
Haha (2009-11-18 13:58:43) The funny thing is Shontй is overplaying the race card talking about overplaying the race card. LOL
Johaaann (2009-11-18 12:01:06) Awesome! I still laugh about your ideas! (sorry for my english but i'm french! I read easilier than I write :/).
Shontй (2009-11-18 06:29:29) ... keep your stereotypes.
Shontй (2009-11-18 06:29:18) I get it. A stereotypical "black guy" overplays the race card. Like we all do, right? Perhaps you would have liked to add a line about fried chicken and watermelons? FYI I'm black and on my way to become a doctor of medicine, so you can keep y
Rush Limbaugh (2009-11-18 03:12:18) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Jester (2009-11-18 01:21:51) Props Jamal.. freaking hilarious. You should check out the black militant guy on the british comedy show Balls of Steel.. really funny stuff
anonymous (2009-11-17 23:20:14) you are back! ZING!
Loved this one hahaha
hah (2009-11-17 22:20:54) i'm surprised she still cared...i would just stop sending emails back...screw this overly sensitive guy
cheezestick (2009-11-17 22:19:56) good way to get out of jury duty...just act as racist as possible
cheezestick (2009-11-17 22:18:20) hahahaha this is good
LOL (2009-11-17 16:36:03) LOL
Miss Murder (2009-11-17 14:15:00) Nice! Love it.
Zander (2009-11-17 14:00:41) I was still FIRST!
Bam (2009-11-17 13:41:59) Why don't the two of you come to my house and have a beer and talk this over?
monkey (2009-11-17 13:33:56) balls
KG (2009-11-17 12:47:29) probably the best one so far
Anonymous (2009-11-17 11:41:12) Fucking racist bitch will never get our microwaves. Black Panthers, GROWL IN UNISON! GRROOOOWL!
Xeel (2009-11-17 10:46:38) this is great :0
jackie mason (2009-11-17 10:35:19) Quite a good e-mail. I'm going to continue reading while my fat ass sits on the toilet
NotPCEver (2009-11-17 10:14:58) I have a microwave for sale. Everything you cook in it comes out tasting like fried chicken.
make me a smoothie (2009-11-17 10:10:33) I fucking love that he called himself Jamal too. BWAHAHHAHA
LOL@white (2009-11-17 10:08:55) I love the opening email - hoping that she will do business with an african american. Brilliant!
Steve-O (2009-11-17 09:38:43) Not far from the truth these days. Anything you say or do contrary to a minority earns you the label of "racist", regardless of the veracity of the claim. It's the "get out of jail free card" for so-called minorities
Tom (2009-11-17 09:37:07) The sad part is there are too many people out there who are really like who he is pretending to be.
weak (2009-11-17 08:28:38) weak sauce
racism (2009-11-17 07:45:18) is funny
Luke (2009-11-17 06:37:07) Sixty - eighth!
Steph (2009-11-17 06:23:44) This is definitely up there for me. I think it's the awkward factor :)
An (2009-11-17 05:44:34) Lol... You're always hilarious!
Jonk (2009-11-17 05:44:18) geez can anyone see the overwhelming pointy arrows masked with nice words in Amy's first reply? Wow!
anon (2009-11-17 04:03:57) one of your weaker ones, and it took 12 days to produce
zz (2009-11-17 04:03:44) nice one!
pow (2009-11-17 01:18:49) hahahah
3guys1hammer (2009-11-17 00:56:40) This was so chill.
The cool thing about this, is how you managed to portray a perfect black person. You were able to like put every black person into one. How do you do it?
jc (2009-11-17 00:23:20) my favorite!!!!
Adspace (2009-11-17 00:16:41) [Pardon me, I'm being paid by companies to make these comments]
Enjoy Coca-Cola!
McDonalds: Put a smile on!
GrundleMonster (2009-11-16 23:23:43) merr......grrr....grundle!!!!
Dan (2009-11-16 22:44:16) wow i'm surprised she didn't blow up after that kkk comment. pretty patient girl.
inspired (2009-11-16 22:44:02) i wish you would come into contact with me, i have many emails following in your footsteps with great creativity wish i could share them with you! as for this i wish she would've gotten more upset with the situatuion
iPwn (2009-11-16 22:22:56) Anyone British, who watches Balls of Steel, see the "militant black guy" similarities going on here?
Kelsey (2009-11-16 22:20:19) LMAO LOVE THIS!!
Klansman (2009-11-16 22:04:57) Hahahahahahahahaha!
Great one.
Unknown Fan (2009-11-16 21:49:07) Poor woman... oh well still funny lmao
Bvl (2009-11-16 20:25:16) ahahaha. Poor girl was actually pretty nice tho.
ed-mon (2009-11-16 20:13:53) hahaha another classic, great banter!
born in da bronx (2009-11-16 20:00:26) fuck u ku klux mofo
Jinn (2009-11-16 19:50:58) Dude, words can't describe how awesome this is.
@ ku klux (2009-11-16 19:42:10) bro we need to start lynching again hahaha
Turd Furguson (2009-11-16 19:42:04) This one is the best so far........you just made a very stressful day worthwhile......keep it up....
... (2009-11-16 19:42:04) "andromeda" shh we don't want all emails the same. as for "Shontй " you're not funny so stop trying. this is a very funny email! good job :)
ku klux (2009-11-16 19:39:07) fk black ppl.
Naes (2009-11-16 19:21:26) great one
Hubert (2009-11-16 19:13:44) Ha ha, "LG microwave." Emails are funny.
andromeda (2009-11-16 18:40:34) One thing is missing though, she never said "Fuck you" or anything down that line so this one seems kinda incomplete *head scratch*
GRACIANO (2009-11-16 18:38:56) complete genius...all heil dontevenreply.com
Mike (2009-11-16 18:34:57) Jay, my friend. YOU are hilarious!!!
Cccc (2009-11-16 18:31:53) lol
wut (2009-11-16 18:07:48) don't listen to all the dumbasses who say that your emails suck. because they dont. you have a gift, my friend.
HB (2009-11-16 17:29:18) Meh
Shonte' (2009-11-16 17:18:01) Fer a gud time call fa fa fo fa fo tree fo fa fa sis
awesome (2009-11-16 17:00:57) wow best one yet, I guess you still have it in you.
emt (2009-11-16 16:53:53) LOL you're sick bro xD
Bob (2009-11-16 16:48:41) I want white burning microwave..cross-shaped...
nobody cares (2009-11-16 16:45:21) nobody cares, ya racist immagrant
LLer (2009-11-16 16:30:57) best one in a while.
De Grey (2009-11-16 16:28:02) Ive taken funnier poopies
anonymous (2009-11-16 16:18:22) Nicely done, as usual, sir!
Shontй (2009-11-16 16:14:14) I'm Bangladesh-ian black immigrant. I used to make candels there for 5 cents per hour. Then my master sold me to someone in africa for $10. I was slave there for a native african family.↲↲
Any guess then how i reached america?
know whats funny? (2009-11-16 16:06:27) when black people actually type ebonics
ha (2009-11-16 16:05:37) ok
Shontй (2009-11-16 15:54:54) I'm sorry guyz.. I'm used to save my ass by complaining everyone racist. I'm so loose nd dumb dat everybody makes fun of me. I'm a clown by occupation.
Kill Trill (2009-11-16 15:51:18) That was clinically executed, old chap.
Jay (2009-11-16 15:49:10) Great post! Lighten up Black people, get it...
Al Sharpton (2009-11-16 15:35:42) I see what you did there/
rollaj4u (2009-11-16 15:24:38) i love it!~!!!!~~~!!!
no colored microwaves.....
Michael Jackson (2009-11-16 15:22:03) That's ignorant!
Claire (2009-11-16 15:13:01) "I will, however, sell you a burning cross for your next klan meeting" - now that is humor at it's finest!
Shontй (2009-11-16 15:09:20) I'm black and I'm offended by black jokes. I demand that you remove this racist post.
claudia (2009-11-16 14:56:25) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Wizzle (2009-11-16 14:52:25) I want a racist microwave
haha (2009-11-16 14:39:10) getting more creative at making email that dont seem amenable to hilarity, hilarious
Chiiiiild (2009-11-16 14:13:28) I enjoyed this one =) cute
FosDoNuT (2009-11-16 14:09:24) Not your best, but still great.
Doctor Pooper (2009-11-16 14:08:43) Eleventh!
Ryan (2009-11-16 13:50:48) Fucking genius
anonymous (2009-11-16 13:46:35) awesomeness!
edwin (2009-11-16 13:37:07) good not great.
J (2009-11-16 13:30:57) great one!
Zander wins! (2009-11-16 13:30:02) I guess we got a new Duncan :)
mike hawkinya (2009-11-16 13:18:56) this is a classic
anonymous (2009-11-16 13:11:48) funny
awesome (2009-11-16 13:09:30) LOL
nice job Zander (2009-11-16 13:07:42) ...while you are here patrolling the message boards, you should make me a sandwich. turkey and swiss on wheat, bitch.
Zander (2009-11-16 13:05:14) First!
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